The government set aside Rp6 trillion through the General Services Agency, Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BLU-BPJT) to secure the release of land for highway construction.
"The government allocates Rp2, 3 trillion in 2010 BLU-BPJT. Well as a whole from 2010 until 2013 Rp6 trillion," said Minister of Finance, Agus Martowardojo in the Parliament Building in Jakarta, Wednesday. Finance minister says the government will provide funds for such purpose in stages, where in 2010 amounted to Rp2, 3 trillion and up to 2013 will reach Rp6 trillion.
The minister said, the fund is a BLU-BPJT bailout purchase of land to be used for 22 toll roads. Funds were disbursed through the BLU-BPJT as initial capital for 2010 where the details submitted to Rp2, 3 trillion, in 2011 proposed to Rp2, 85 trillion, in 2012 proposed Rp650 billion, and in 2013 proposed Rp200 billion.
For 2010 which amounted to Rp2, 3 trillion is from the reallocation of reserve funds in the state budget amounting to Rp914, 3 billion and the new additions in the budget amendment Rp1, 4 trillion.
Finance minister expects, BLU-BPJT fund is able to optimize the value of land acquisition really needs to reach Rp12, 7 trillion. Plan for toll roads until the release of the upcoming 2014 is 776 km long.
In the same occasion, Minister of Finance also expressed optimism that the PT Perum Jamkrindo Askrindo and will be capable of guaranteeing people's business credit (KUR) until doubled in 2010 after an injection of capital through investment in the state capital (PMN) Rp1, 8 trillion.
"With a gearing ratio of 10 times, then the additional PMN will enhance the ability of both companies to underwrite in 2010 amounted to Rp37, 5 billion," said Minister of Finance.
According to him, before the capital injected by PMN, Jamkrindo and Askrindo only able to guarantee the Rp19, 5 billion in 2009. "So that will target the expansion of KUR Rp20 trillion per year starting in 2010 until 2014 will be achieved," said Agus.
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